What? “Case against college”? What could this possibly be? I thought as I pulled up the article. Whatever.
I dive into the article. As I get to the part where he says “the problem is school kills creativity,” I nod my head. I mean yeah, school brings out new thoughts but it doesn’t help kids create their own thoughts.
“What Robinson doesn’t mention is that there is an alternative: unschooling,” I read. What? Is that even a real thing? I can only imagine where this article is heading.
Surprisingly, I agreed fully with Stephens when I read this paragraph. Finding a mentor instead of going to college can be just as helpful as college. A college degree is worth just as much as an old sock these days, but if you have someone who you trust and helps you with things in life, I believe that to be just as helpful as a college degree.
I also agreed with the last paragraph. Is the money and debt really worth that college degree that really has gotten you nowhere? I mean really, you’re paying $18,000 a year to go to a school. You graduate in 4 years with a degree. That degree is worth nothing. You don’t get that job you were hoping for. You are now $24,000 in debt. The bank will take away everything you own, except for that damn degree. The degree that has gotten you nowhere.
When I finished reading, I had to process the fact that I really didn’t mind reading this article.
For Assignment #3, I was thinking about branching off of "Finding a mentor instead of going to college can be just as helpful as college." That would be my "moral" of the story. I haven't worked fully through it yet.